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Ahmed AL-Kindy | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Dear Visitors...
Welcome to my Picture Galleries in which I take you through my camera to different places and times and would like to present to you my artistic works that I have accumulated over the past years. Most of the pictures presented here were taken during 2006 and 2007 in which I converted from my old film SLR camera to Digital SLR. I am hoping one day to be able to upload my old photos in this gallery.

Take your time and enjoy viewing the pictures in the same way I enjoy taking them and I will be glad to see you dropping me a comment and advise on how I could improve my photos.

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Muscat at Night
:: Muscat at Night ::
Fishing Day
:: Fishing Day ::
Sun Rise & Sun Set
:: Sun Rise & Sun Set ::
Oman Landscapes
:: Oman Landscapes ::
Mosques of Oman ãÓÇÌÏ ÚãÇäíÉ
:: Mosques of Oman ãÓÇÌÏ ÚãÇäíÉ ::
Omani Faces
:: Omani Faces ::
Omani CraftsÇáÍÑÝ ÇáÚãÇäíÉ ÇáÊÞáíÏíÉ
:: Omani CraftsÇáÍÑÝ ÇáÚãÇäíÉ ÇáÊÞáíÏíÉ ::
Omani Caps (Kimah) Çáßãå ÇáÚãÇäíÉ
:: Omani Caps (Kimah) Çáßãå ÇáÚãÇäíÉ ::
:: Dubai ::
Wadi Hoqain Bashing
:: Wadi Hoqain Bashing ::
Wahiba Sands Advanture
:: Wahiba Sands Advanture ::
Future Generation
:: Future Generation ::
Oman International Rally 2007
:: Oman International Rally 2007 ::
Wakan Hikking
:: Wakan Hikking ::
Water Falls
:: Water Falls ::
Omani Khanjar
:: Omani Khanjar ::
Tropical Cyclone Gonu
:: Tropical Cyclone Gonu ::
:: Indoensia ::
Jabal AL-Akhdhar ÇáÌÈá ÇáÃÎÖÑ
:: Jabal AL-Akhdhar ÇáÌÈá ÇáÃÎÖÑ ::
:: Singapore ::
Oman National Day Fire Works Shows
:: Oman National Day Fire Works Shows ::
Air Shows
:: Air Shows ::
Nizwa äÒæì
:: Nizwa äÒæì ::
:: birds ::
:: Motion ::
Kerala, India
:: Kerala, India ::
:: Rust ::
:: Thailand ::
:: Seascapes ::
Colorful World
:: Colorful World ::
:: Salalah ::
:: China ::
:: Abstracts ::
:: Panoramas ::
Old Boats and Ships
:: Old Boats and Ships ::
Aerial Photography
:: Aerial Photography ::
Brunei & Malaysia
:: Brunei & Malaysia ::