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Frank Loehner | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:44
I have great respect for your work.
biza 14-Nov-2005 21:49
Hello wonderful young gifted guy. I totally fancy the guy in one of your Oxford pictures, He is not tall, has big ears and is cute.
Can you forward me his contact details, please.
lots of love
Guest 24-Jul-2004 21:02
Thanks for your comments, Frank. You are right, the lakes in Jiu Zhai Gou are very clear. During the next time I would like to update my page and will add some images from Le Shan, I saw you was already been there. If you like please visit my page again.

Enjoy to take pictures
Best regards Torsten
Frank Loehner24-Jul-2004 02:20
Thanks for your comments, Francisco!
Just took a look at your galleries, too. I especially like the door-locks, -handles!
Guest 23-Jul-2004 15:06
Interesantes trabajo
Gracias por compartirlo
Saludos desde EspaƱa donde tienes un amigo