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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Potential Picture of the Day > January 7 2006 Pm.jpg
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January 7 2006 Pm.jpg

Leica D-Lux 2
1/80s f/7.1 at 23.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Chris08-Jan-2006 19:07
The lighting does give this vista a completely different feeling. This is beautiful and nicely detailed
QUERIDO08-Jan-2006 09:01
excellent light
Gayle P. Clement08-Jan-2006 03:04
Very beautiful light.
Karen Leaf08-Jan-2006 00:02
Saw the light this morning and could NOT get myself out of the house. Saw the light this afternoon and could NOT get out of the house..... why on the weekend????
Beautiful golden light.
Sheila07-Jan-2006 23:45
You have lovely morning light in your part of the world.
Very nice, Joan.
Rochelle Weiss07-Jan-2006 22:25
Wonderful color and reflection.
JW07-Jan-2006 22:19
Wonderful light, and the dockside is always full of interest.